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Geniusrise Microservices Ecosystem

Geniusrise is a modular, loosely-coupled AI-microservices framework.

It can be used to perform various tasks, including hosting inference endpoints, performing bulk inference, fine tune etc with open source models or closed source APIs.

  • The framework provides structure for modules and operationalizes and orchestrates them.
  • The modular ecosystem provides a layer of abstraction over the myriad of models, libraries, tools, parameters and optimizations underlying the operationalization of modern AI models.

Together the framework and ecosystem can be used for:

  1. Rapid prototyping by hosting APIs on a wide range of models
    1. Host and experiment on local and iterate fast
    2. Deploy on kubernetes to production
  2. Building AI-side components using the framework and CLI
    1. Build complex AI microservices using multiple models
    2. Iterate fast from development to production
    3. Manage, scale and monitor deployments in production
    4. Build once, run anywhere
  3. Using the ecosystem as a library: Many interesting applications can be built using this, e.g.:
    1. A multi-cloud AI cloud, see
    2. Local model pipeline server for personal or home IOT devices (e.g. a personal AI pin connected to voice-LLM pipeline hosted on desktop)
    3. Desktop and CLI applications


(More coming soon).


🚀 Getting Started

  1. 💥 Usage - TLDR Usage.
  2. 🛠️ Installation - Installation and setup.
  3. 📘 Concepts - Concepts of the framework, start here.
  4. 🏗️ Architecture - Design and architecture of the framework.

💻 Development

  1. 🏠 Local Experimentation - Local setup and project creation.
  2. 🔄 Dev Cycle - Describes one full local development cycle.
  3. 📦 Packaging - Packaging your application.
  4. 🚀 Deployment - Deploying parts or whole of your application.

📚 Reference

  1. 📄 YAML Structure - Geniusfile structure and configuration.
  2. 🌐 CLI reference - Command line reference.
  3. 🎨 Project Templates - Project templates for community plugins.

🏃 Runners

🌐 Runners
🟢 k8s deployment 🟤 k8s service 🟡 k8s job 🟠 k8s cron job
🟧 k8s pods 🟦 Apache Airflow 🔴 Docker 🟣 Docker Swarm

🤖 Models

Text Inference APIs

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Language Model 🟣 Named Entity Recognition 🟡 Question Answering
🟠 Sentiment Analysis 🟤 Summarization 🟦 Translation
🔵 Classification 🔴 Natural Language Inference 🟧 Instruction Tuning
🟧 Base

Text Bulk Inference

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Language Model 🟣 Named Entity Recognition 🟡 Question Answering
🟠 Sentiment Analysis 🟤 Summarization 🟦 Translation
🔵 Classification 🔴 Natural Language Inference 🟧 Instruction Tuning
🟧 Base

Text Fine-tuning

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Language Model 🟣 Named Entity Recognition 🟡 Question Answering
🟠 Sentiment Analysis 🟤 Summarization 🟦 Translation
🔵 Classification 🔴 Natural Language Inference 🟧 Instruction Tuning
🟧 Base
🌐 OpenAI
🟢 Classification 🟣 Natural Language Inference 🟡 Instruction Tuning
🟠 Language Model 🟤 Named Entity Recognition 🟦 Question Answering
🔵 Sentiment Analysis 🔴 Summarization 🟧 Translation
🟧 Base

Vision Inference APIs

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Image Classification 🟣 OCR 🟡 Image Segmentation 🟠 Visual Question Answering
🟤 Base

Audio Inference APIs

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Text to Speech 🟣 Speech to Text 🟧 Base

Audio Bulk Inference

🌐 Local & Huggingface
🟢 Text to Speech 🟣 Speech to Text 🟧 Base

⚡ Data


🌐 Streaming
🟢 Http Polling 🟣 🟡 gRPC 🟠 QUIC
🟤 UDP 🔵 Webhook 🟥 Websocket 🟩 SNS
🟧 SQS 🟨 AMQP 🟫 Kafka 🟪 Kinesis Streams
🟩 MQTT 🟨 ActiveMQ 🟫 ZeroMQ 🟪 Redis Pubsub
🟧 Redis Streams
📦 Databases
🟢 HBase 🟣 PostgreSQL 🔵 MySQL 🟠 MongoDB
🟢 Cassandra 🟣 Redis 🔵 Elasticsearch 🟠 Oracle
🟢 SQL Server 🟣 SQLite 🔵 Neo4j 🟠 Bigtable
🟢 DynamoDB 🟣 Azure Table Storage 🔵 Couchbase 🟠 InfluxDB
🟢 TimescaleDB 🟣 Teradata 🔵 TiDB 🟠 Voltdb
🟢 Sybase 🟣 DB2 🔵 AWS Presto 🟠 Riak
🟢 MemSQL 🟣 LDAP 🔵 AWS KeySpaces 🟠 KairosDB
🟢 Graphite 🟣 Google FireStore 🔵 AWS DocumentDB 🟠 Cockroach
🟢 Cloud SQL 🟣 Azure CosmosDB 🔵 AWS Athena 🟠 ArangoDB
🟢 Nuodb 🟣 OpenTSDB 🔵 Google Bigquery 🟠 Vertica
🟢 Google Spanner


🌐 Document Processing 🌐 Image Processing 🌐 OCR
🟣 Parse PDF 🟡 Predict image classes 🔵 TROCRImageOCR
🟣 ParseCBZCBR 🟡 Train image classifier 🔵 FineTuneTROCR
🟣 ParseDjvu 🟡 Convert Images 🔵 TROCRImageOCRAPI
🟣 ParseEpub 🟢 Pix2StructImageOCR
🟣 ParseMOBI 🟢 Pix2StructImageOCRAPI
🟣 ParsePostScript 🟢 FineTunePix2Struct
🟣 ParseXPS

📚 Library

📦 cli 📦 core 📦 data 📦 core.state
🟠 geniusctl 🟢 bolt 🟣 input 🔴 base
🟠 yamlctl 🟢 spout 🟣 output 🔴 dynamo
🟠 boltctl 🟤 base 🟣 batch_input 🔴 memory
🟠 spoutctl 🟣 batch_output 🔴 postgres
🟠 schema 🟣 streaming_input 🔴 redis
🟠 discover 🟣 streaming_output
🟠 docker