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Base API

Bases: AudioBulk

A class representing a Hugging Face API for generating text using a pre-trained language model.


Name Type Description
model Any

The pre-trained language model.

processor Any

The processor used to preprocess input text.

model_name str

The name of the pre-trained language model.

model_revision Optional[str]

The revision of the pre-trained language model.

processor_name str

The name of the processor used to preprocess input text.

processor_revision Optional[str]

The revision of the processor used to preprocess input text.

model_class str

The name of the class of the pre-trained language model.

processor_class str

The name of the class of the processor used to preprocess input text.

use_cuda bool

Whether to use a GPU for inference.

quantization int

The level of quantization to use for the pre-trained language model.

precision str

The precision to use for the pre-trained language model.

device_map str | Dict | None

The mapping of devices to use for inference.

max_memory Dict[int, str]

The maximum memory to use for inference.

torchscript bool

Whether to use a TorchScript-optimized version of the pre-trained language model.

model_args Any

Additional arguments to pass to the pre-trained language model.


text(**kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: Generates text based on the given prompt and decoding strategy.

listen(model_name: str, model_class: str = "AutoModelForCausalLM", processor_class: str = "AutoProcessor", use_cuda: bool = False, precision: str = "float16", quantization: int = 0, device_map: str | Dict | None = "auto", max_memory={0: "24GB"}, torchscript: bool = True, endpoint: str = "", port: int = 3000, cors_domain: str = "http://localhost:3000", username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, *model_args: Any) -> None: Starts a CherryPy server to listen for requests to generate text.

__init__(input, output, state, **kwargs)

Initializes a new instance of the TextAPI class.


Name Type Description Default
input BatchInput

The input data to process.

output BatchOutput

The output data to process.

state State

The state of the API.


listen(model_name, model_class='AutoModel', processor_class='AutoProcessor', use_cuda=False, precision='float16', quantization=0, device_map='auto', max_memory={0: '24GB'}, torchscript=False, compile=False, concurrent_queries=False, use_whisper_cpp=False, use_faster_whisper=False, endpoint='*', port=3000, cors_domain='http://localhost:3000', username=None, password=None, **model_args)

Starts a CherryPy server to listen for requests to generate text.


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The name of the pre-trained language model.

model_class str

The name of the class of the pre-trained language model. Defaults to "AutoModelForCausalLM".

processor_class str

The name of the class of the processor used to preprocess input text. Defaults to "AutoProcessor".

use_cuda bool

Whether to use a GPU for inference. Defaults to False.

precision str

The precision to use for the pre-trained language model. Defaults to "float16".

quantization int

The level of quantization to use for the pre-trained language model. Defaults to 0.

device_map str | Dict | None

The mapping of devices to use for inference. Defaults to "auto".

max_memory Dict[int, str]

The maximum memory to use for inference. Defaults to {0: "24GB"}.

{0: '24GB'}
torchscript bool

Whether to use a TorchScript-optimized version of the pre-trained language model. Defaults to True.

compile bool

Enable Torch JIT compilation.

concurrent_queries bool

(bool): Whether the API supports concurrent API calls (usually false).

use_whisper_cpp bool

Whether to use whisper.cpp to load the model. Defaults to False. Note: only works for these models:

use_faster_whisper bool

Whether to use faster-whisper.

endpoint str

The endpoint to listen on. Defaults to "*".

port int

The port to listen on. Defaults to 3000.

cors_domain str

The domain to allow CORS requests from. Defaults to "http://localhost:3000".

username Optional[str]

The username to use for authentication. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str]

The password to use for authentication. Defaults to None.

**model_args Any

Additional arguments to pass to the pre-trained language model.


validate_password(realm, username, password)

Validate the username and password against expected values.


Name Type Description Default
realm str

The authentication realm.

username str

The provided username.

password str

The provided password.



Name Type Description

True if credentials are valid, False otherwise.