- Spouts
- Bolts
- Deployment
- Kubernetes Pods
- Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes Services
- Kubernetes Jobs
- Packaging
- Miscellaneous
genius TestSpoutCtlSpout
: Manage spout TestSpoutCtlSpout.
genius TestBoltCtlBolt
: Manage bolt TestBoltCtlBolt.
genius rise
: Manage spouts and bolts with a YAML file.
genius docker
: Package this application into a Docker image.
genius pod
: Manage spouts and bolts as kubernetes pod
genius deployment
: Manage spouts and bolts as kubernetes deployment
genius service
: Manage spouts and bolts as kubernetes service
genius job
: Manage spouts and bolts as kubernetes job
genius cron_job
: Manage spouts and bolts as kubernetes cron_job
genius plugins
: Print help for all spouts and bolts.
genius list
: List all discovered spouts and bolts.
Command: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout¶
Usage: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout [-h] {rise,deploy,help} ...
genius TestSpoutCtlSpout rise
: Run a spout locally.
genius TestSpoutCtlSpout deploy
: Run a spout remotely.
genius TestSpoutCtlSpout help
: Print help for the spout.
Command: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout rise¶
Usage: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout rise [-h] [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--redis_host REDIS_HOST] [--redis_port REDIS_PORT] [--redis_db REDIS_DB] [--postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST] [--postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT] [--postgres_user POSTGRES_USER] [--postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD] [--postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE] [--postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE] [--dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME] [--dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME] [--prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY] [--args ...] {batch,streaming,stream_to_batch} {none,redis,postgres,dynamodb,prometheus} method_name
: Choose the type of output data: batch or streaming.
: Select the type of state manager: none, redis, postgres, or dynamodb.
: The name of the method to execute on the spout.
Options genius TestSpoutCtlSpout rise
--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE: Specify the size of the buffer. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --redis_host REDIS_HOST: Enter the host address for the Redis server. --redis_port REDIS_PORT: Enter the port number for the Redis server. --redis_db REDIS_DB: Specify the Redis database to be used. --postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST: Enter the host address for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT: Enter the port number for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_user POSTGRES_USER: Provide the username for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Provide the password for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE: Specify the PostgreSQL database to be used. --postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE: Specify the PostgreSQL table to be used. --dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME: Provide the name of the DynamoDB table. --dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME: Specify the AWS region for DynamoDB. --prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY: Specify the prometheus gateway URL. --args ...: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the spout.
Command: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout deploy¶
Usage: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout deploy [-h] [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--redis_host REDIS_HOST] [--redis_port REDIS_PORT] [--redis_db REDIS_DB] [--postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST] [--postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT] [--postgres_user POSTGRES_USER] [--postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD] [--postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE] [--postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE] [--dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME] [--dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME] [--prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY] [--k8s_kind {deployment,service,job,cron_job}] [--k8s_name K8S_NAME] [--k8s_image K8S_IMAGE] [--k8s_replicas K8S_REPLICAS] [--k8s_env_vars K8S_ENV_VARS] [--k8s_cpu K8S_CPU] [--k8s_memory K8S_MEMORY] [--k8s_storage K8S_STORAGE] [--k8s_gpu K8S_GPU] [--k8s_kube_config_path K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--k8s_api_key K8S_API_KEY] [--k8s_api_host K8S_API_HOST] [--k8s_verify_ssl K8S_VERIFY_SSL] [--k8s_ssl_ca_cert K8S_SSL_CA_CERT] [--k8s_cluster_name K8S_CLUSTER_NAME] [--k8s_context_name K8S_CONTEXT_NAME] [--k8s_namespace K8S_NAMESPACE] [--k8s_labels K8S_LABELS] [--k8s_annotations K8S_ANNOTATIONS] [--k8s_port K8S_PORT] [--k8s_target_port K8S_TARGET_PORT] [--k8s_schedule K8S_SCHEDULE] [--args ...] {batch,streaming,stream_to_batch} {none,redis,postgres,dynamodb,prometheus} {k8s} method_name
: Choose the type of output data: batch or streaming.
: Select the type of state manager: none, redis, postgres, or dynamodb.
: Choose the type of deployment.
: The name of the method to execute on the spout.
Options genius TestSpoutCtlSpout deploy
--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE: Specify the size of the buffer. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --redis_host REDIS_HOST: Enter the host address for the Redis server. --redis_port REDIS_PORT: Enter the port number for the Redis server. --redis_db REDIS_DB: Specify the Redis database to be used. --postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST: Enter the host address for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT: Enter the port number for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_user POSTGRES_USER: Provide the username for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Provide the password for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE: Specify the PostgreSQL database to be used. --postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE: Specify the PostgreSQL table to be used. --dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME: Provide the name of the DynamoDB table. --dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME: Specify the AWS region for DynamoDB. --prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY: Specify the prometheus gateway URL. --k8s_kind {deployment,service,job,cron_job}: Choose the type of kubernetes resource. --k8s_name K8S_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes resource. --k8s_image K8S_IMAGE: Docker image for the Kubernetes resource. --k8s_replicas K8S_REPLICAS: Number of replicas. --k8s_env_vars K8S_ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --k8s_cpu K8S_CPU: CPU requirements. --k8s_memory K8S_MEMORY: Memory requirements. --k8s_storage K8S_STORAGE: Storage requirements. --k8s_gpu K8S_GPU: GPU requirements. --k8s_kube_config_path K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Name of the Kubernetes cluster local config. --k8s_api_key K8S_API_KEY: GPU requirements. --k8s_api_host K8S_API_HOST: GPU requirements. --k8s_verify_ssl K8S_VERIFY_SSL: GPU requirements. --k8s_ssl_ca_cert K8S_SSL_CA_CERT: GPU requirements. --k8s_cluster_name K8S_CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --k8s_context_name K8S_CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --k8s_namespace K8S_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --k8s_labels K8S_LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --k8s_annotations K8S_ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --k8s_port K8S_PORT: Port to run the spout on as a service. --k8s_target_port K8S_TARGET_PORT: Port to expose the spout on as a service. --k8s_schedule K8S_SCHEDULE: Schedule to run the spout on as a cron job. --args ...: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the spout.
Command: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout help¶
Usage: genius TestSpoutCtlSpout help [-h] method
: The method to execute.
Command: genius TestBoltCtlBolt¶
Usage: genius TestBoltCtlBolt [-h] {rise,deploy,help} ...
genius TestBoltCtlBolt rise
: Run a bolt locally.
genius TestBoltCtlBolt deploy
: Run a spout remotely.
genius TestBoltCtlBolt help
: Print help for the bolt.
Command: genius TestBoltCtlBolt rise¶
Usage: genius TestBoltCtlBolt rise [-h] [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE] [--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--input_kafka_topic INPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--input_kafka_cluster_connection_string INPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--input_kafka_consumer_group_id INPUT_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID] [--input_s3_bucket INPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--input_s3_folder INPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--redis_host REDIS_HOST] [--redis_port REDIS_PORT] [--redis_db REDIS_DB] [--postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST] [--postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT] [--postgres_user POSTGRES_USER] [--postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD] [--postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE] [--postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE] [--dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME] [--dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME] [--prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY] [--args ...] {batch,streaming,batch_to_stream,stream_to_batch} {batch,streaming,stream_to_batch} {none,redis,postgres,dynamodb,prometheus} method_name
: Choose the type of input data: batch or streaming.
: Choose the type of output data: batch or streaming.
: Select the type of state manager: none, redis, postgres, or dynamodb.
: The name of the method to execute on the bolt.
Options genius TestBoltCtlBolt rise
--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE: Specify the size of the buffer. --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--input_kafka_topic INPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --input_kafka_cluster_connection_string INPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --input_kafka_consumer_group_id INPUT_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: Kafka consumer group id to use. --input_s3_bucket INPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --input_s3_folder INPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --redis_host REDIS_HOST: Enter the host address for the Redis server. --redis_port REDIS_PORT: Enter the port number for the Redis server. --redis_db REDIS_DB: Specify the Redis database to be used. --postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST: Enter the host address for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT: Enter the port number for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_user POSTGRES_USER: Provide the username for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Provide the password for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE: Specify the PostgreSQL database to be used. --postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE: Specify the PostgreSQL table to be used. --dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME: Provide the name of the DynamoDB table. --dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME: Specify the AWS region for DynamoDB. --prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY: Specify the prometheus gateway URL. --args ...: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the bolt.
Command: genius TestBoltCtlBolt deploy¶
Usage: genius TestBoltCtlBolt deploy [-h] [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE] [--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--input_kafka_topic INPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--input_kafka_cluster_connection_string INPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--input_kafka_consumer_group_id INPUT_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID] [--input_s3_bucket INPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--input_s3_folder INPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC] [--output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING] [--output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET] [--output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER] [--redis_host REDIS_HOST] [--redis_port REDIS_PORT] [--redis_db REDIS_DB] [--postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST] [--postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT] [--postgres_user POSTGRES_USER] [--postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD] [--postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE] [--postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE] [--dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME] [--dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME] [--prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY] [--k8s_kind {deployment,service,job,cron_job}] [--k8s_name K8S_NAME] [--k8s_image K8S_IMAGE] [--k8s_replicas K8S_REPLICAS] [--k8s_env_vars K8S_ENV_VARS] [--k8s_cpu K8S_CPU] [--k8s_memory K8S_MEMORY] [--k8s_storage K8S_STORAGE] [--k8s_gpu K8S_GPU] [--k8s_kube_config_path K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--k8s_api_key K8S_API_KEY] [--k8s_api_host K8S_API_HOST] [--k8s_verify_ssl K8S_VERIFY_SSL] [--k8s_ssl_ca_cert K8S_SSL_CA_CERT] [--k8s_cluster_name K8S_CLUSTER_NAME] [--k8s_context_name K8S_CONTEXT_NAME] [--k8s_namespace K8S_NAMESPACE] [--k8s_labels K8S_LABELS] [--k8s_annotations K8S_ANNOTATIONS] [--k8s_port K8S_PORT] [--k8s_target_port K8S_TARGET_PORT] [--k8s_schedule K8S_SCHEDULE] [--args ...] {batch,streaming,batch_to_stream,stream_to_batch} {batch,streaming,stream_to_batch} {none,redis,postgres,dynamodb,prometheus} {k8s} method_name
: Choose the type of input data: batch or streaming.
: Choose the type of output data: batch or streaming.
: Select the type of state manager: none, redis, postgres, or dynamodb.
: Choose the type of deployment.
: The name of the method to execute on the spout.
Options genius TestBoltCtlBolt deploy
--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE: Specify the size of the buffer. --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--input_kafka_topic INPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --input_kafka_cluster_connection_string INPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --input_kafka_consumer_group_id INPUT_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: Kafka consumer group id to use. --input_s3_bucket INPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --input_s3_folder INPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER: Specify the directory where output files should be stored temporarily
--output_kafka_topic OUTPUT_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka output topic for streaming spouts. --output_kafka_cluster_connection_string OUTPUT_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STRING: Kafka connection string for streaming spouts. --output_s3_bucket OUTPUT_S3_BUCKET: Provide the name of the S3 bucket for output storage. --output_s3_folder OUTPUT_S3_FOLDER: Indicate the S3 folder for output storage. --redis_host REDIS_HOST: Enter the host address for the Redis server. --redis_port REDIS_PORT: Enter the port number for the Redis server. --redis_db REDIS_DB: Specify the Redis database to be used. --postgres_host POSTGRES_HOST: Enter the host address for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_port POSTGRES_PORT: Enter the port number for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_user POSTGRES_USER: Provide the username for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Provide the password for the PostgreSQL server. --postgres_database POSTGRES_DATABASE: Specify the PostgreSQL database to be used. --postgres_table POSTGRES_TABLE: Specify the PostgreSQL table to be used. --dynamodb_table_name DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME: Provide the name of the DynamoDB table. --dynamodb_region_name DYNAMODB_REGION_NAME: Specify the AWS region for DynamoDB. --prometheus_gateway PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY: Specify the prometheus gateway URL. --k8s_kind {deployment,service,job,cron_job}: Choose the type of kubernetes resource. --k8s_name K8S_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes resource. --k8s_image K8S_IMAGE: Docker image for the Kubernetes resource. --k8s_replicas K8S_REPLICAS: Number of replicas. --k8s_env_vars K8S_ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --k8s_cpu K8S_CPU: CPU requirements. --k8s_memory K8S_MEMORY: Memory requirements. --k8s_storage K8S_STORAGE: Storage requirements. --k8s_gpu K8S_GPU: GPU requirements. --k8s_kube_config_path K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Name of the Kubernetes cluster local config. --k8s_api_key K8S_API_KEY: GPU requirements. --k8s_api_host K8S_API_HOST: GPU requirements. --k8s_verify_ssl K8S_VERIFY_SSL: GPU requirements. --k8s_ssl_ca_cert K8S_SSL_CA_CERT: GPU requirements. --k8s_cluster_name K8S_CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --k8s_context_name K8S_CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --k8s_namespace K8S_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --k8s_labels K8S_LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --k8s_annotations K8S_ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --k8s_port K8S_PORT: Port to run the spout on as a service. --k8s_target_port K8S_TARGET_PORT: Port to expose the spout on as a service. --k8s_schedule K8S_SCHEDULE: Schedule to run the spout on as a cron job. --args ...: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the spout.
Command: genius TestBoltCtlBolt help¶
Usage: genius TestBoltCtlBolt help [-h] method
: The method to execute.
Command: genius rise¶
Usage: genius rise [-h] [--spout SPOUT] [--bolt BOLT] [--file FILE] {up} ...
genius rise up
: Deploy according to the genius.yml file.
Command: genius rise up¶
Usage: genius rise up [-h] [--spout SPOUT] [--bolt BOLT] [--file FILE]
Options genius rise up
--spout SPOUT: Name of the specific spout to run. --bolt BOLT: Name of the specific bolt to run. --file FILE: Path of the genius.yml file, default to .
Options genius rise
--spout SPOUT: Name of the specific spout to run. --bolt BOLT: Name of the specific bolt to run. --file FILE: Path of the genius.yml file, default to .
Kubernetes Pods¶
Command: genius pod¶
usage: genius pod [-h] {status,show,describe,logs} ...
genius pod status
: Get the status of the Kubernetes pod.
genius pod show
: List all pods.
genius pod describe
: Describe a pod.
genius pod logs
: Get the logs of a pod.
Command: genius pod status¶
usage: genius pod status [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the Kubernetes pod.
Options genius pod status
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius pod show¶
usage: genius pod show [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT]
Options genius pod show
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius pod describe¶
usage: genius pod describe [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the pod.
Options genius pod describe
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius pod logs¶
usage: genius pod logs [-h] [--follow FOLLOW] [--tail TAIL] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the pod.
Options genius pod logs
--follow FOLLOW: Whether to follow the logs. --tail TAIL: Number of lines to show from the end of the logs. --kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Kubernetes Deployments¶
Command: genius deployment¶
usage: genius deployment [-h] {create,scale,describe,show,delete,status} ...
POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS genius deployment
genius deployment create
: Create a new deployment.
genius deployment scale
: Scale a deployment.
genius deployment describe
: Describe a deployment.
genius deployment show
: List all deployments.
genius deployment delete
: Delete a deployment.
genius deployment status
: Get the status of a deployment.
Command: genius deployment create¶
usage: genius deployment create [-h] [--replicas REPLICAS] [--env_vars ENV_VARS] [--cpu CPU] [--memory MEMORY] [--storage STORAGE] [--gpu GPU] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name image command
: Name of the deployment.
: Docker image for the deployment.
: Command to run in the container.
Options genius deployment create
--replicas REPLICAS: Number of replicas. --env_vars ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --cpu CPU: CPU requirements. --memory MEMORY: Memory requirements. --storage STORAGE: Storage requirements. --gpu GPU: GPU requirements. --kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius deployment scale¶
usage: genius deployment scale [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name replicas
: Name of the deployment.
: Number of replicas.
Options genius deployment scale
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius deployment describe¶
usage: genius deployment describe [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the deployment.
Options genius deployment describe
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius deployment show¶
usage: genius deployment show [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT]
Options genius deployment show
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius deployment delete¶
usage: genius deployment delete [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the deployment.
Options genius deployment delete
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius deployment status¶
usage: genius deployment status [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the deployment.
Options genius deployment status
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Kubernetes Services¶
Command: genius service¶
usage: genius service [-h] {create,delete,describe,show} ...
genius service create
: Create a new service.
genius service delete
: Delete a service.
genius service describe
: Describe a service.
genius service show
: List all services.
Command: genius service create¶
usage: genius service create [-h] [--replicas REPLICAS] [--port PORT] [--target_port TARGET_PORT] [--env_vars ENV_VARS] [--cpu CPU] [--memory MEMORY] [--storage STORAGE] [--gpu GPU] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name image command
: Name of the service.
: Docker image for the service.
: Command to run in the container.
Options genius service create
--replicas REPLICAS: Number of replicas. --port PORT: Service port. --target_port TARGET_PORT: Container target port. --env_vars ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --cpu CPU: CPU requirements. --memory MEMORY: Memory requirements. --storage STORAGE: Storage requirements. --gpu GPU: GPU requirements. --kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius service delete¶
usage: genius service delete [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the service.
Options genius service delete
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius service describe¶
usage: genius service describe [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the service.
Options genius service describe
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius service show¶
usage: genius service show [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT]
Options genius service show
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Kubernetes Jobs¶
Command: genius job¶
usage: genius job [-h] {create,delete,status} ...
genius job create
: Create a new job.
genius job delete
: Delete a job.
genius job status
: Get the status of a job.
Command: genius job create¶
usage: genius job create [-h] [--env_vars ENV_VARS] [--cpu CPU] [--memory MEMORY] [--storage STORAGE] [--gpu GPU] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name image command
: Name of the job.
: Docker image for the job.
: Command to run in the container.
Options genius job create
--env_vars ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --cpu CPU: CPU requirements. --memory MEMORY: Memory requirements. --storage STORAGE: Storage requirements. --gpu GPU: GPU requirements. --kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius job delete¶
usage: genius job delete [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the job.
Options genius job delete
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius job status¶
usage: genius job status [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the job.
Options genius job status
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Kubernetes Cron Jobs¶
Command: genius cron_job¶
usage: genius cron_job [-h] {create_cronjob,delete_cronjob,get_cronjob_status} ...
genius cron_job create_cronjob
: Create a new cronjob.
genius cron_job delete_cronjob
: Delete a cronjob.
genius cron_job get_cronjob_status
: Get the status of a cronjob.
Command: genius cron_job create_cronjob¶
usage: genius cron_job create_cronjob [-h] [--env_vars ENV_VARS] [--cpu CPU] [--memory MEMORY] [--storage STORAGE] [--gpu GPU] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name image command schedule
: Name of the cronjob.
: Docker image for the cronjob.
: Command to run in the container.
: Cron schedule.
Options genius cron_job create_cronjob
--env_vars ENV_VARS: Environment variables as a JSON string. --cpu CPU: CPU requirements. --memory MEMORY: Memory requirements. --storage STORAGE: Storage requirements. --gpu GPU: GPU requirements. --kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius cron_job delete_cronjob¶
usage: genius cron_job delete_cronjob [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the cronjob.
Options genius cron_job delete_cronjob
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius cron_job get_cronjob_status¶
usage: genius cron_job get_cronjob_status [-h] [--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--context_name CONTEXT_NAME] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--labels LABELS] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--api_key API_KEY] [--api_host API_HOST] [--verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL] [--ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT] name
: Name of the cronjob.
Options genius cron_job get_cronjob_status
--kube_config_path KUBE_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the kubeconfig file. --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME: Name of the Kubernetes cluster. --context_name CONTEXT_NAME: Name of the kubeconfig context. --namespace NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace. --labels LABELS: Labels for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --annotations ANNOTATIONS: Annotations for Kubernetes resources, as a JSON string. --api_key API_KEY: API key for Kubernetes cluster. --api_host API_HOST: API host for Kubernetes cluster. --verify_ssl VERIFY_SSL: Whether to verify SSL certificates. --ssl_ca_cert SSL_CA_CERT: Path to the SSL CA certificate.
Command: genius docker package¶
Usage: genius docker package [-h] [--auth AUTH] [--base_image BASE_IMAGE] [--workdir WORKDIR] [--local_dir LOCAL_DIR] [--packages [PACKAGES ...]] [--os_packages [OS_PACKAGES ...]] [--env_vars ENV_VARS] image_name repository
: Name of the Docker image.
: Container repository to upload to.
Options genius docker package
--auth AUTH: Authentication credentials as a JSON string. --base_image BASE_IMAGE: The base image to use for the Docker container. --workdir WORKDIR: The working directory in the Docker container. --local_dir LOCAL_DIR: The local directory to copy into the Docker container. --packages [PACKAGES ...]: List of Python packages to install in the Docker container. --os_packages [OS_PACKAGES ...]: List of OS packages to install in the Docker container. --env_vars ENV_VARS: Environment variables to set in the Docker container.
Command: genius plugins¶
Usage: genius plugins [-h] [spout_or_bolt]
: The spout or bolt to print help for.
Command: genius list¶
Usage: genius list [-h] [--verbose]
Options genius list
--verbose: Print verbose output.