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This guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to deploy and manage resources in a Kubernetes cluster using the Geniusrise platform. The guide covers the following functionalities:

  • Connecting to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Managing Pods
  • Managing Deployments
  • Managing Services
  • Managing Jobs
  • Managing Cron jobs


  • A working Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubeconfig file for cluster access
  • Python 3.x installed
  • Geniusrise CLI installed

Connecting to a Kubernetes Cluster

Before performing any operations, you need to connect to your Kubernetes cluster. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Using a kubeconfig file and context name
  2. Using an API key and API host

Using Kubeconfig and Context Name

genius k8s <command> --kube_config_path /path/to/kubeconfig.yaml --context_name my-context

Using API Key and API Host

genius k8s <command> --api_key my-api-key --api_host --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Managing Pods

Checking Pod Status

To get the status of a specific pod:

genius k8s status my-pod-name --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Listing All Pods

To list all the pods in the current namespace:

genius k8s show --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Describing a Pod

To get detailed information about a specific pod:

genius k8s describe my-pod-name --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Fetching Pod Logs

To get the logs of a specific pod:

genius k8s logs my-pod-name --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Managing Deployments

Creating a New Deployment

To create a new deployment:

genius deployment create --name my-deployment --image my-image --command "echo hello" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Scaling a Deployment

To scale a deployment:

genius deployment scale --name my-deployment --replicas 3 --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Listing All Deployments

To list all deployments:

genius deployment show

Describing a Deployment

To describe a specific deployment:

genius deployment describe my-deployment --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Deleting a Deployment

To delete a deployment:

genius deployment delete my-deployment --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Checking Deployment Status

To check the status of a deployment:

genius deployment status my-deployment --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Advanced Features

Environment Variables

You can pass environment variables to your pods and deployments like so:

genius deployment create --name my-deployment --image my-image --command "echo hello" --env_vars '{"MY_VAR": "value"}' --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Resource Requirements

You can specify resource requirements for your pods and deployments:

genius deployment create --name my-deployment --image my-image --command "echo hello" --cpu "100m" --memory "256Mi" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

GPU Support

To allocate GPUs to your pods:

genius deployment create --name my-deployment --image my-image --command "echo hello" --gpu "1" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Managing Services

Creating a New Service

To create a new service:

genius service create --name example-service --image example-image --command "echo hello" --port 8080 --target_port 8080 --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Deleting a Service

To delete a service:

genius service delete --name example-service --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Describing a Service

To describe a specific service:

genius service describe --name example-service --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Listing All Services

To list all services:

genius service show --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Managing Jobs

Creating a New Job

To create a new job:

genius job create --name example-job --image example-image --command "echo hello" --cpu "100m" --memory "256Mi" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Deleting a Job

To delete a job:

genius job delete --name example-job --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Checking Job Status

To check the status of a job:

genius job status --name example-job --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Managing Cron Jobs

Creating a New Cron Job

To create a new cron job, you can use the create_cronjob sub-command. You'll need to specify the name, Docker image, command to run, and the cron schedule.

genius cronjob create_cronjob --name example-cronjob --image example-image --command "echo hello" --schedule "*/5 * * * *" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Additional Options

  • --env_vars: To set environment variables, pass them as a JSON string.
  • --cpu, --memory, --storage, --gpu: To set resource requirements.

Deleting a Cron Job

To delete a cron job, use the delete_cronjob sub-command and specify the name of the cron job.

genius cronjob delete_cronjob --name example-cronjob --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Checking Cron Job Status

To check the status of a cron job, use the get_cronjob_status sub-command and specify the name of the cron job.

genius cronjob get_cronjob_status --name example-cronjob --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Advanced Features for Cron Jobs

Environment Variables

You can pass environment variables to your cron jobs like so:

genius cronjob create_cronjob --name example-cronjob --image example-image --command "echo hello" --schedule "*/5 * * * *" --env_vars '{"MY_VAR": "value"}' --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

Resource Requirements

You can specify resource requirements for your cron jobs:

genius cronjob create_cronjob --name example-cronjob --image example-image --command "echo hello" --schedule "*/5 * * * *" --cpu "100m" --memory "256Mi" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev

GPU Support

To allocate GPUs to your cron jobs:

genius cronjob create_cronjob --name example-cronjob --image example-image --command "echo hello" --schedule "*/5 * * * *" --gpu "1" --namespace geniusrise \
  --context_name arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:genius-dev:cluster/geniusrise-dev